
Cornelius Doctor

Cornelius Doctor, now that's an original name that seems to be linked to Gustave Le Rouge's Le Mystérieux Docteur Cornélius. Can we know why you chose this name as your stage name?

This name comes from an unexpected encounter with a lost suitcase in the metro, and its owner was named Cornelius Doctor. I thought it would make a good stage name. It has nothing to do with the serial or the X-men! I found a certain Cornelius Doctor on Facebook; it might be him! And then it matched well with the label's name, a somewhat strange combination that gives room for reflection.

In an ARTE documentary, we see you going on a hunt for urban sounds. Do you still practice these recordings?

It happens quite rarely in my city, Lyon, actually. However, I sometimes bring a recorder on gigs abroad just in case I come across street atmospheres or meet musicians, as I did in Jordan during a festival in Wadi Rum. I brought back a great recording of a Bedouin concert by the fire under the tent one evening.

How do these acousmatic sounds reflect in your productions?

They are mainly found in the form of fragments, micro-samples, or ambient noises. They are more material than melody but remain decisive in the final atmosphere of the piece in which they take part.

You manage the label Hard Fist together with Tushen Raï. Can you tell us more about the origin of the name of your label and a word about the label itself?

The name of the label Hard Fist is a derivative of a previous project called Art Feast, with which we organized events and which was once a house music label, Art Feast Records. However, the name Hard Fist, evoking struggle and advocacy, found its own path and history and fairly represents the mindset in which we create and disseminate our music, independently and assertively.

 Cornelius Doctor and Tushen Raï from the Hard Fist label

How do you see the evolution of the label? Would you like to give us a glimpse inside your walls in pictures?

It's quite difficult to talk about walls with Hard Fist, as the label is itinerant and collaborative. Beyond Tushen Raï and myself, dozens of collaborators and international artists from every continent and culture have contributed to making the label what it is today, beyond any political or social vision. It is a place of free artistic expression that honors the culture and heritage that everyone wants to reveal and transmit in their own way, providing an opportunity to speak about oneself and one's history through the emotions conveyed in a piece.

The label's sound signature will continue to evolve with the times and desires, but it will always maintain this DNA, which ultimately forms the foundation of its evolution beyond trends and styles.

September seemed hot at the Lyon club Le Sucre, judging by the poster on which you appear! How would you describe the electronic scene in Lyon?

The media tried at one point to talk about a Lyon scene, but it's primarily a bustling and diverse swarm of artists and generations that make the city teem with activity, revolving around cultural venues that each defend their vision of music and celebration.

For our part, we have good affinities with some of them, as we discover new artists every day who surprise us. Let's say that Lyon is more of a creative breeding ground than a scene in itself.

If we were to come to Lyon tomorrow, what activities would you recommend before embarking on a night at Le Sucre?

Difficult question as it is subjective, but I would recommend a leisurely stroll through the city to soak up the atmosphere of its neighborhoods. The city is not that big, and you can go from one world to another in a few streets, walking from Guillotière to Croix Rousse.

Le Sucre at Lyon

For activities, I think that wandering in the slopes of Croix-Rousse, you can come across enough bookstores, record stores, galleries, restaurants, and bars to keep you busy for a good day.

On your Instagram page, you appear as a resident on Mutant Radio, located in Tbilisi, Georgia. How did you manage to earn this title?

Tushen Raï and I simply proclaimed ourselves residents, but rightly so, I think, with a bi-monthly show called 'Nobody Is Perfect'!

We recently saw you on the lineup of Kiosk Radio, a Belgian station. Can you share an anecdote that led you to perform on Belgian soil?

I've had the chance to come and play in Belgium several times, in Brussels, Liège, and at the La Nature festival. Let's not hide it, I love coming to Belgium, like many French people; there's an authenticity that warms the heart! I keep excellent memories every time, filled with precious encounters.

For the anecdote, we were invited to play for a charitable event by Boudins du Cœur at C12, and we were completely amazed to play in a metro station!

You had the honor of opening at Urban Spree in Berlin. What a pleasure that must have been! Is there anything specific you would like to highlight about the Berlin scene?

Having lived there for a few years, I had the chance to closely interact with the Berlin scene in the 2010s and made many incredible connections. I have since stepped back a bit, but I naturally still have many producer and DJ friends who still live there, so I still feel somewhat at home when I go back. This city was clearly a huge influence for me at the time, both musically and in their approach to the club. Although it's less the case today, this city is part of me and my journey, and there will always be something of Berlin that will seep into my music.

Last July, we saw you at the decks at the famous Futur Festival in Turin. What a moment that must have been! As you seem to be touring everywhere, could you tell us more about your upcoming international projects?

You should run into us very soon in Milan, Paris, or Vilnius!

 Cornelius Doctor at Kappa Festival in Turin

And finally, what do you do when you're not making music?

You can often find me in my bar in Lyon called La Madone, or running around preparing for my next marathon!

Cornelius Doctor on social media

Hard Fist label

Le Sucre



Mutant Radio

Fabrice Lig