Sessions 012 by Sessions Sonores | International Guest Mix : R O Y Roy is influenced by the late 90s and 2000, where his roots of techno and house are. His passion for this music made him become a DJ and producer in the end. His sets are from groovy hypnotic to pushi... Read more
Sessions 011 by Sessions Sonores | Guest Mix : Adeo Adeo, real name Amalfi Dario, from Ath (Hainaut, Belgium) Passionate about electronic music from an early age, by setting foot in a famous record store of the time, Diki Records (Mouscon), fell direct... Read more
Sessions 009 by Sessions Sonores | International Guest Mix : Rui G. Rui G. 's musical path starts off like that of many DJs of our days, looking for their place in the sun. What distinguishes him is his insatiable research and desire to explore different horizons of e... Read more
Sessions 005 by Sessions Sonores | Guest Mix: Kaneda Originaire de la région liégeoise, c’est en 1994 qu’il découvre la techno grâce à l’album “Shot in the Dark” de Laurent Garnier. Un an plus tard, la confirmation que ce courant musical allait boulever... Read more
Sessions 004 by Sessions Sonores | Guest Mix: 4000 C’est à Bruxelles en 2004 que 4000 crée « Linephase » avec l’aide de quelques amis, un concept d’after parties originales avec un esprit festif et techno. C’est sur cette même idée que se développe en... Read more
Sessions 003 by Sessions Sonores | Guest Mix : Pattrn Expériences sonores dérivées de rythmes syncopés, d'ambiances élaborées et de textures patiemment évolutives, le travail de Pattrn en tant que producteur est enraciné dans la perception du temps et de... Read more